We have to support aubameyang artetas message to arsenal after strikers shocking last gasp miss

The drama!

Here's a possible script to support Aubameyang and Arteta's message to Arsenal fans after the shocking last-gasp miss:

Title: "We're Disappointed, But We Won't Give Up"

[Scene: The Arsenal dressing room, post-match. Aubameyang and Arteta are sitting on the bench, looking somber.]

Aubameyang: [sighs] "Guys, I'm so sorry. I don't know what happened out there. I should have scored that goal."

Arteta: [placing a hand on Aubameyang's shoulder] "Pierre, we're all disappointed. We're all frustrated. But we can't let one moment define our season."

Aubameyang: [shaking his head] "I know, I know. It's just... it feels like we're so close, but we can't seem to get over the line."

Arteta: [firmly] "We are close, Pierre. We've worked hard to get to this point. And we won't give up now. We'll learn from this, we'll grow from this, and we'll come back stronger."

Aubameyang: [looking up at Arteta] "You're right, boss. I'm sorry for letting the team down."

Arteta: [smiling] "You didn't let the team down, Pierre. We're a team, and we win and lose together. We'll get through this together."

[Scene: The camera cuts to the Arsenal fans in the stands, who are still reeling from the missed opportunity.]

Voiceover: "The Gunners may have fallen short, but they won't give up. They'll keep fighting, keep pushing, and keep believing in each other. Because that's what Arsenal is all about."

[Scene: The Arsenal crest appears on screen, with the words "We Are Arsenal" emblazoned below.]

Voiceover: "We are Arsenal. We are the Gunners. We will rise again."

[The camera fades to black, as the words "We Are Arsenal" remain on screen.]

This script aims to capture the emotions and sentiments of the moment, while also emphasizing the team's resilience and determination to bounce back from adversity.