Economist apple news plus

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Economist Apple News+

In February 2020, Apple announced a new subscription service called Apple News+, which is a premium news aggregator that offers access to hundreds of publications, including The Economist, for a flat monthly fee.

Here are some key features and details about Apple News+:

What is Apple News+?

Apple News+ is a subscription-based news service that provides access to a vast library of news articles, magazines, and newspapers from around the world. The service is designed to offer a personalized reading experience, with content curated based on users' interests and preferences.

What publications are included in Apple News+?

Apple News+ includes a wide range of publications, including:

How does Apple News+ work?

Apple News+ is available as a standalone app on iOS and iPadOS devices. Users can download the app and sign up for a free trial or subscription. Once subscribed, users can access a vast library of content, including:

What are the benefits of Apple News+?

Apple News+ offers several benefits, including:

How much does Apple News+ cost?

Apple News+ is available for a flat monthly fee of $9.99 in the United States, with prices varying by country. The service offers a free trial period, allowing users to try the service before committing to a subscription.

What about The Economist?

The Economist is one of the many publications included in Apple News+. As a subscriber to Apple News+, users can access The Economist's digital edition, including news articles, analysis, and opinion pieces. The Economist is available in both English and Spanish.

Overall, Apple News+ offers a convenient and cost-effective way to access a wide range of news and publications from around the world.