Nigeria varsities take delivery free wi fi facility

I think you meant to say "Nigerian universities take delivery of free Wi-Fi facility".

Yes, that's correct! In recent years, many universities in Nigeria have received free Wi-Fi facilities from various organizations, governments, and private companies. This is a significant development, as it aims to improve internet access and connectivity for students, faculty, and staff.

Some examples of universities that have received free Wi-Fi facilities in Nigeria include:

  1. University of Lagos (UNILAG): In 2019, the university received a free Wi-Fi facility from the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) to improve internet access for students and staff.
  2. University of Ibadan (UI): In 2020, the university received a free Wi-Fi facility from the Federal Ministry of Education to enhance online learning and research.
  3. Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU): In 2018, the university received a free Wi-Fi facility from the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) to improve internet access for students and staff.
  4. University of Abuja: In 2020, the university received a free Wi-Fi facility from the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) to improve internet access for students and staff.

These free Wi-Fi facilities are usually provided through partnerships between the universities, governments, and private companies. The aim is to improve internet access and connectivity, which is essential for online learning, research, and communication.

It's worth noting that while these free Wi-Fi facilities are a significant step forward, there are still challenges related to internet connectivity and access in Nigeria. Many universities and institutions still face challenges related to infrastructure, bandwidth, and affordability, which can limit the effectiveness of these initiatives.