Do you have to charge a phone when new

When you first get a new phone, it's a good idea to charge it before using it extensively. Here's why:

  1. Initial battery calibration: New batteries, including those in new phones, may not accurately report their charge levels. Charging the phone once or twice helps the battery calibration process, which ensures the phone's battery meter is accurate.
  2. Prevents over-discharge: New batteries may have a higher capacity than older batteries. If you start using the phone without charging it, the battery might drain faster than expected, potentially causing over-discharge. Charging the phone initially helps prevent this.
  3. Helps establish battery health: Charging a new phone helps establish a baseline for the battery's health. This can help you monitor the battery's performance and identify any potential issues later on.

How long should you charge a new phone?

After the initial charge, you can use your phone as you normally would. The battery will continue to calibrate and adjust to your usage patterns over time.

Remember, it's always a good idea to follow the manufacturer's guidelines for charging and maintaining your phone's battery.