Disaster risk reduction jobs in new zealand

New Zealand is a country prone to natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, and volcanic eruptions, making disaster risk reduction a crucial aspect of its national strategy. Here are some disaster risk reduction jobs in New Zealand:

  1. Disaster Risk Reduction Officer - Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management (MCDEM): The MCDEM is responsible for coordinating disaster response and recovery efforts in New Zealand. As a Disaster Risk Reduction Officer, you would work to reduce the risk of disasters by developing and implementing risk reduction strategies.
  2. Emergency Management Specialist - Local Government: Many local governments in New Zealand have emergency management teams that work to prepare for and respond to disasters. As an Emergency Management Specialist, you would help develop and implement emergency management plans and procedures.
  3. Risk Assessment Specialist - Insurance Companies: Insurance companies in New Zealand often employ risk assessment specialists to evaluate the risk of natural disasters and other hazards to properties and businesses.
  4. Disaster Recovery Coordinator - Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs): NGOs such as the Red Cross and Salvation Army often employ disaster recovery coordinators to coordinate relief efforts and support communities affected by disasters.
  5. Geospatial Analyst - Government Agencies: Geospatial analysts work with government agencies to analyze and interpret geographic data to inform disaster risk reduction and emergency management decisions.
  6. Climate Change Adaptation Specialist - Government Agencies: Climate change adaptation specialists work with government agencies to develop and implement strategies to reduce the impacts of climate change on communities and infrastructure.
  7. Emergency Management Trainer - Training Organizations: Training organizations in New Zealand offer emergency management training courses to individuals and organizations. As an emergency management trainer, you would design and deliver training programs to help people prepare for and respond to disasters.
  8. Disaster Risk Reduction Consultant - Private Consulting Firms: Private consulting firms in New Zealand often employ disaster risk reduction consultants to work with clients to develop and implement disaster risk reduction strategies.
  9. Volunteer Coordinator - Volunteer Organizations: Volunteer organizations such as the New Zealand Red Cross and St John Ambulance employ volunteer coordinators to manage volunteer teams and coordinate disaster response efforts.
  10. Researcher - Universities and Research Institutes: Researchers at universities and research institutes in New Zealand conduct studies on disaster risk reduction and emergency management to inform policy and practice.

Some of the key employers in the disaster risk reduction sector in New Zealand include:

To find disaster risk reduction jobs in New Zealand, you can search for job openings on websites such as: