Osinbajo challenges media practitioners on fake news

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Vice President Osinbajo Challenges Media Practitioners on Fake News

Vice President Yemi Osinbajo has challenged media practitioners to be more responsible in their reporting, warning that the spread of fake news can have devastating consequences for the country.

Osinbajo made the call on Tuesday at the 2019 Nigerian Media Merit Awards held at the Sheraton Hotel, Ikeja, Lagos.

The Vice President, who was the guest of honour at the event, said that the media has a crucial role to play in shaping public opinion and holding those in power accountable, but that this role can only be effective if the media is truthful and accurate in its reporting.

He noted that the spread of fake news has become a major challenge in the country, and that it is the responsibility of media practitioners to ensure that they verify the accuracy of the information they report before publishing it.

Osinbajo said, "The spread of fake news can have devastating consequences for our country. It can lead to the erosion of trust in institutions, the spread of misinformation, and even violence. As media practitioners, it is your responsibility to ensure that you verify the accuracy of the information you report before publishing it."

He also urged media practitioners to be more critical in their reporting, saying that they should not just report what is trending on social media, but should also investigate and verify the accuracy of the information before reporting it.

The Vice President also commended the Nigerian Media Merit Awards for promoting excellence in journalism, saying that the awards have helped to raise the standard of journalism in the country.

He said, "The Nigerian Media Merit Awards is a testament to the importance of promoting excellence in journalism. It is a reminder that journalism is not just about reporting the news, but about reporting the news accurately and truthfully."

The Vice President also urged media practitioners to continue to hold those in power accountable, saying that this is the only way to ensure that the country is governed in a transparent and accountable manner.

He said, "As media practitioners, you have a crucial role to play in holding those in power accountable. You must continue to ask the tough questions, to investigate and to report the truth, no matter how difficult it may be."

The Nigerian Media Merit Awards is an annual event that recognizes and rewards excellence in journalism in Nigeria. The awards are given to journalists who have demonstrated excellence in their reporting, and who have made significant contributions to the development of journalism in Nigeria.