Ronaldinho defense appeals pre trial detention in fake passport case

It looks like you're referring to a recent news article about Ronaldinho, the Brazilian football legend, who is facing legal troubles in Paraguay.

According to reports, Ronaldinho and his brother Roberto Assis were arrested in March 2021 at Asunción's Silvio Pettirossi International Airport after arriving on a private jet. They were accused of using fake passports to enter the country.

Ronaldinho's defense team has now appealed the pre-trial detention order, which means they are seeking to have him released from custody while the case is ongoing.

The appeal argues that Ronaldinho's detention is "arbitrary" and that he has not been charged with any crime. The defense also claims that the footballer has cooperated fully with the investigation and has not attempted to flee the country.

It's worth noting that Ronaldinho has been in custody for several months now, and his detention has sparked controversy and debate in Paraguay. Many have questioned the fairness of the legal process and the treatment of the footballer, who is a global icon and a beloved figure in Brazil.

The case is ongoing, and it remains to be seen how it will ultimately play out.