Declarations for a new month

Here are some declarations you can make for a new month:

Positive Affirmations:

  1. "I declare this month to be a fresh start, full of new opportunities and experiences."
  2. "I am worthy of abundance, success, and happiness, and I welcome it into my life this month."
  3. "I release all negative thoughts and emotions, and I choose to focus on positivity and gratitude this month."
  4. "I am strong, capable, and resilient, and I trust myself to navigate any challenges that come my way this month."
  5. "I am grateful for all the blessings in my life, and I welcome more joy and abundance into my life this month."


  1. "This month, I intend to prioritize my physical and mental health, and take care of myself in every way."
  2. "I intend to be more present and mindful in my daily life, and appreciate the beauty in every moment."
  3. "I intend to take calculated risks and step outside my comfort zone, and trust that the universe will support me."
  4. "I intend to nurture my relationships and connections with others, and build stronger bonds of love and support."
  5. "I intend to focus on my personal growth and development, and continue to learn and evolve as a person."

Prayers or Mantras:

  1. "May this month bring me peace, prosperity, and happiness, and may I be a source of joy and positivity for others."
  2. "I am grateful for the gift of life, and I ask that I be guided by love, wisdom, and compassion this month."
  3. "May I be brave, resilient, and strong, and may I trust that I have the power to overcome any obstacle that comes my way."
  4. "May I be a beacon of hope and light, and may I inspire others to do the same."
  5. "May this month be a time of transformation, growth, and renewal, and may I emerge stronger, wiser, and more radiant than ever before."

Remember to speak your declarations with conviction and intention, and to repeat them regularly throughout the month to reinforce your mindset and manifest your desires.