Davido ft mayorkun new song
You're looking for the latest song by Davido featuring Mayorkun!
As of my knowledge cutoff, Davido and Mayorkun have not released a new song together recently. However, I can suggest some of their popular collaborations in the past:
- "Fall" (2018) - This song was a massive hit and one of the biggest songs of 2018.
- "Pana" (2016) - This song was a hit single from Davido's album "Proper" and features Mayorkun on the chorus.
- "Bobo" (2016) - This song was a hit single from Mayorkun's debut album "The Mayor of Lagos" and features Davido on the chorus.
If you're looking for new music from Davido or Mayorkun, I can suggest some of their recent solo tracks:
- Davido: "Fem" (2020), "Risky" (2020), "Jowo" (2020)
- Mayorkun: "Genging" (2020), "Of Lagos" (2020), "Back In Office" (2020)
Please note that the music industry is constantly evolving, and new songs are being released regularly. If you're interested in staying up-to-date with the latest music from Davido and Mayorkun, I recommend following them on social media or streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, or YouTube Music.