New zealand journal of agricultural research

The New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research (NZJAR) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that publishes original research articles, reviews, and short communications on all aspects of agricultural research. The journal is published by the Royal Society of New Zealand and is considered one of the leading agricultural research journals in the Asia-Pacific region.

The NZJAR covers a wide range of topics related to agriculture, including:

  1. Crop and animal production: Research on crop and animal breeding, genetics, physiology, and nutrition.
  2. Soil science: Studies on soil fertility, soil chemistry, and soil physics.
  3. Agricultural ecology: Research on the interactions between crops, animals, and the environment.
  4. Agricultural economics: Studies on the economic aspects of agriculture, including farm management, marketing, and policy.
  5. Agricultural engineering: Research on the design, development, and application of agricultural machinery and equipment.
  6. Food science and technology: Studies on the processing, preservation, and safety of food products.
  7. Veterinary science: Research on animal health, disease diagnosis, and treatment.

The NZJAR is indexed in several major databases, including:

  1. Science Citation Index (SCI)
  2. Scopus
  3. Journal Citation Reports (JCR)
  4. CAB Abstracts
  5. Agricola
  6. Google Scholar

The journal is published quarterly, with each issue containing a mix of original research articles, reviews, and short communications. The journal also publishes special issues and supplements on specific topics of interest.

The NZJAR is a valuable resource for researchers, policymakers, and practitioners in the agricultural sector, providing them with the latest research findings and insights on agricultural issues in New Zealand and globally.