Christiane amanpour latest news on nigeria mmm

I think there may be some confusion here!

Christiane Amanpour is a renowned journalist and CNN's Chief International Anchor, but I couldn't find any recent news articles or reports from her specifically on Nigeria's MMM (Mavrodi Mondial Moneybox) scheme.

However, I can provide some general information on the MMM scheme in Nigeria:

MMM is a Ponzi scheme that originated in Russia in the 1990s and has since spread to several countries, including Nigeria. The scheme promises unusually high returns on investments, often with little or no effort required from investors. However, it is a classic example of a pyramid scheme, where early investors are paid returns using money from later investors, rather than from any actual profits.

In Nigeria, MMM has been operating since 2015 and has attracted millions of participants, many of whom have lost significant amounts of money. The scheme has been banned by the Nigerian government, but it continues to operate in some form, often using social media and other online platforms to recruit new members.

If you're looking for reliable news sources on Nigeria's MMM scheme, I recommend checking out reputable news outlets such as BBC News, Al Jazeera, or The Guardian.