Cheap flights from lagos nigeria to orlando through new york

A trip from Lagos, Nigeria to Orlando, Florida with a layover in New York! That's a great adventure!

To find cheap flights, I'll need to search for you. Here are some options:

Please note: Prices may vary depending on the travel dates, time of booking, and availability.

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Tips to find cheaper flights:

  1. Be flexible with your travel dates. Prices can vary depending on the day of the week and time of year.
  2. Book in advance. The earlier you book, the better your chances of getting a cheaper fare.
  3. Consider flying into a different airport in New York, such as LaGuardia (LGA) or Newark (EWR), as prices may be lower.
  4. Look for error fares or sales. Sometimes, airlines make mistakes and offer flights at significantly lower prices.
  5. Use flight comparison websites like Google Flights, Skyscanner, or Kayak to find the best deals.

Remember to also check the entry requirements for the United States, including any necessary visas or travel documents.

I hope this helps you find a great deal on your flights from Lagos to Orlando with a layover in New York!