New science movies

Here are some new science movies that you might be interested in:

  1. The Planets (2020) - A documentary series exploring the solar system and the latest discoveries about the planets.
  2. The Great Hack (2020) - A documentary film about the Cambridge Analytica data scandal and the impact of social media on our lives.
  3. The Last Ice (2020) - A documentary film about the melting of the Arctic ice and its impact on the planet.
  4. The Most Perfect Thing (2020) - A documentary film about the discovery of the Higgs boson particle and the scientists who made it possible.
  5. The End of Medicine (2020) - A documentary film about the future of medicine and the impact of technology on healthcare.
  6. The Human Factor (2020) - A documentary film about the scientists who are working to develop a cure for cancer.
  7. The Last Tree (2020) - A documentary film about the impact of climate change on the world's forests.
  8. The Quantum Activist (2020) - A documentary film about the life and work of physicist Amit Goswami, who has made significant contributions to the field of quantum mechanics.
  9. The Science of Dogs (2020) - A documentary film about the latest research on canine behavior and cognition.
  10. The Secret Life of Chaos (2020) - A documentary film about the science of chaos theory and its applications in fields such as finance and weather forecasting.

Upcoming Science Movies:

  1. The First (2022) - A documentary film about the Apollo 11 mission and the first humans to walk on the moon.
  2. The Last Hope (2022) - A documentary film about the search for a cure for Alzheimer's disease.
  3. The Quantum Universe (2022) - A documentary film about the latest research on quantum mechanics and its potential applications.
  4. The Science of Happiness (2022) - A documentary film about the latest research on positive psychology and the science of happiness.
  5. The Secret Life of Plants (2022) - A documentary film about the latest research on plant biology and the fascinating world of plant communication.

Note: Release dates may vary depending on your location and the streaming platforms available in your area.