Brand new draco

The brand new Draco Malfoy!

As a Slytherin student, Draco is known for his cunning, ambition, and sometimes questionable morals. He's the son of Lucius Malfoy, a wealthy and influential pure-blood wizard, and is often seen as a rival to Harry Potter.

In his brand new form, Draco is still the same charming, arrogant, and sometimes cruel individual, but with a few new twists:

Physical Appearance: Draco's hair is still jet-black and perfectly styled, but it's now slightly longer and more unruly. His eyes are still piercing green, but they seem to gleam with an even more mischievous intensity. He's still lean and athletic, with a wiry build that allows him to move quickly and quietly.

Personality: Draco's confidence and arrogance have only grown since his last appearance. He's more convinced than ever that he's destined for greatness, and that everyone else is just a pawn in his game. He's still quick-witted and cunning, always thinking several steps ahead of his opponents.

Magical Abilities: Draco's magical skills have improved significantly since his last appearance. He's mastered a range of complex spells and is particularly skilled in the Dark Arts. He's also developed a talent for manipulation and deception, often using his charm and good looks to get what he wants.

Goals: Draco's ultimate goal is to prove himself as the most powerful and influential wizard of his generation. He's determined to outdo Harry Potter and his friends, and to claim the title of "Supreme Wizard" for himself.

Motivations: Draco's motivations are largely driven by his desire for power, recognition, and revenge against those who have wronged him. He's still bitter about his father's imprisonment and his own perceived mistreatment by the wizarding world.

Relationships: Draco's relationships with others are complex and often tumultuous. He's still close to his father, Lucius, and is fiercely loyal to him. He's also developed a complicated bond with Harry Potter, whom he sees as a rival and a nemesis. He's less interested in forming genuine friendships, preferring to use people to further his own goals.

Quirks: Draco has a few quirks that set him apart from others. He's a bit of a perfectionist, often becoming fixated on small details that others might overlook. He's also a bit of a thrill-seeker, enjoying the rush of adrenaline that comes with taking risks.

Overall, the brand new Draco Malfoy is a force to be reckoned with. He's more confident, more cunning, and more ruthless than ever before.