Under the new covenant

Under the New Covenant, also known as the New Testament, Jesus Christ established a new relationship between God and humanity. Here are some key aspects of the New Covenant:

  1. The Law is fulfilled: The Old Covenant, also known as the Law, was given to the Israelites through Moses. However, the Law was imperfect and unable to bring about true righteousness. Jesus fulfilled the Law by keeping it perfectly and providing a new way for humanity to be reconciled to God.
  2. The sacrifice of Jesus: Jesus' death on the cross was a sacrifice that atoned for the sins of humanity, making it possible for people to be forgiven and reconciled to God. This sacrifice is seen as the ultimate fulfillment of the Old Covenant's sacrificial system.
  3. The gift of the Holy Spirit: Under the New Covenant, believers receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, who indwells them and empowers them to live a life pleasing to God. This is in contrast to the Old Covenant, where the Holy Spirit was present but not indwelling.
  4. The priesthood of all believers: In the Old Covenant, only the Levitical priests could approach God on behalf of the people. Under the New Covenant, all believers are considered priests and have direct access to God through Jesus Christ.
  5. The sacrifice of praise and worship: While the Old Covenant emphasized animal sacrifices, the New Covenant emphasizes the sacrifice of praise and worship to God. Believers are encouraged to offer their lives as living sacrifices to God, which is seen as a more excellent sacrifice than animal sacrifices.
  6. The importance of faith: Under the New Covenant, faith is seen as the primary means of salvation. Believers are saved by faith in Jesus Christ, rather than through works or rituals.
  7. The promise of eternal life: The New Covenant promises eternal life to all who believe in Jesus Christ. This is in contrast to the Old Covenant, which promised a physical inheritance in the Promised Land.
  8. The unity of believers: The New Covenant emphasizes the unity of believers, who are all part of the same body of Christ. This is in contrast to the Old Covenant, where the Israelites were divided into different tribes and groups.
  9. The role of the church: The New Covenant emphasizes the importance of the church, which is seen as the body of Christ. Believers are encouraged to gather together regularly for worship, fellowship, and mutual encouragement.
  10. The promise of the Holy Spirit's guidance: Under the New Covenant, believers are promised the guidance of the Holy Spirit, who will lead them into all truth and help them to live a life pleasing to God.

These are just a few of the key aspects of the New Covenant. Overall, the New Covenant is seen as a more personal and intimate relationship between God and humanity, where believers are able to approach God directly and have access to all the blessings and promises of God.