Google company news

Here are some recent news articles about Google:

Recent News

  1. Google's parent company Alphabet reports strong quarterly earnings (CNBC, February 2023) Alphabet, the parent company of Google, reported strong quarterly earnings, with revenue up 15% year-over-year to $76.05 billion.
  2. Google announces new AI-powered features for Google Maps (The Verge, February 2023) Google has announced several new AI-powered features for Google Maps, including the ability to predict traffic congestion and provide personalized route suggestions.
  3. Google to invest $1 billion in Indian digital payments company Paytm (Reuters, February 2023) Google has agreed to invest $1 billion in Indian digital payments company Paytm, as part of a larger effort to expand its presence in the Indian market.
  4. Google's self-driving car project Waymo to launch robotaxi service in Phoenix (The New York Times, February 2023) Waymo, Google's self-driving car project, is set to launch a robotaxi service in Phoenix, Arizona, marking a major milestone in the development of autonomous vehicles.
  5. Google to acquire cybersecurity company Mandiant for $5.4 billion (Bloomberg, February 2023) Google has agreed to acquire cybersecurity company Mandiant for $5.4 billion, as part of a larger effort to expand its cybersecurity capabilities.

Recent Rumors and Speculation

  1. Google to launch a new gaming console to compete with Xbox and PlayStation (The Information, February 2023) Rumors are circulating that Google is planning to launch a new gaming console to compete with Xbox and PlayStation, although details are scarce.
  2. Google to acquire social media company Discord for $15 billion (The Wall Street Journal, February 2023) There are rumors that Google is in talks to acquire social media company Discord for $15 billion, although neither company has confirmed the reports.

Recent Product and Service Updates

  1. Google introduces new features for Google Workspace (Google Blog, February 2023) Google has introduced several new features for Google Workspace, including improved collaboration tools and enhanced security features.
  2. Google launches new AI-powered language translation tool (Google Blog, February 2023) Google has launched a new AI-powered language translation tool that can translate text and speech in real-time.
  3. Google introduces new features for Google Photos (The Verge, February 2023) Google has introduced several new features for Google Photos, including improved photo organization and editing tools.