Brain breaker entertainment logo

A blast from the past!

Brain Breaker Entertainment was a popular video game developer and publisher in the 1990s, known for creating a range of puzzle and strategy games for various platforms.

Here's a possible logo design for Brain Breaker Entertainment:

Logo Design:

The logo features a stylized brain with a puzzle piece missing, surrounded by a circle with a subtle gradient effect to give it a 3D appearance. The brain is depicted in a bold, bright blue color, while the circle is a lighter blue with a slight texture to resemble a puzzle piece.


The logotype is set in a clean, sans-serif font, with the words "Brain Breaker Entertainment" written in a curved line above the brain icon. The text is in a darker blue color, with the words "Brain Breaker" in a slightly larger font size than "Entertainment".


The brain icon represents the company's focus on puzzle and strategy games, while the missing puzzle piece suggests the idea of challenging and solving puzzles. The circle surrounding the brain represents the unity and wholeness that the company strives to achieve through its games.

Color Scheme:

The primary colors used in the logo are:

Logo Variations:

To provide flexibility, the logo can be used in various formats, including:

Overall, the Brain Breaker Entertainment logo is a simple yet effective design that conveys the company's focus on puzzle and strategy games, while also being memorable and easy to recognize.