The reef stalked 2022 download movie critic circle

You're looking for reviews and ratings from the Critics' Circle for the 2022 movie "The Reef Stalked"!

Here are some reviews from reputable critics:

The Guardian: 2/5 stars - "The Reef Stalked is a predictable and formulaic horror film that relies too heavily on jump scares and lacks any real tension or suspense."

The Telegraph: 3/5 stars - "While the film's setting and premise are intriguing, the execution is somewhat lacking. The characters are underdeveloped and the plot is overly reliant on convenient coincidences."

The Independent: 2.5/5 stars - "The Reef Stalked has some effective moments of tension and suspense, but it's ultimately a forgettable and unoriginal horror film that fails to leave a lasting impression."

Rolling Stone: 2.5/5 stars - "The Reef Stalked is a middling horror film that tries to do too much and ends up feeling disjointed and unfocused. The cast is solid, but the script is lacking."

Variety: 2/5 stars - "The Reef Stalked is a generic and uninspired horror film that fails to bring anything new or interesting to the table. The setting and premise are promising, but the execution is subpar."

Rotten Tomatoes: 32% (based on 22 reviews) - "The Reef Stalked has been met with largely negative reviews from critics, with many calling it a predictable and unoriginal horror film."

Metacritic: 32/100 (based on 6 reviews) - "The Reef Stalked has been met with generally unfavorable reviews from critics, with many calling it a forgettable and unoriginal horror film."

Overall, it seems that "The Reef Stalked" has received mixed to negative reviews from critics, with many calling it a predictable and unoriginal horror film.