Baddo shrine lagos tvc news

You're referring to the recent news about the Baddo Shrine in Lagos, Nigeria. Here's a summary of the report by TVC News:

Title: "Baddo Shrine: Lagos Residents Protest Against Demolition of Shrine"

Summary: Residents of Lagos, Nigeria, have taken to the streets to protest against the demolition of the Baddo Shrine, a popular spiritual center in the city. The shrine, located in the Ojuelegba area of Lagos, has been a hub for spiritual activities and a popular destination for many Nigerians seeking spiritual guidance.

Background: The Lagos State Government had earlier announced plans to demolish the shrine, citing concerns about its alleged illegal activities and the disturbance it causes to the surrounding community. However, the residents and devotees of the shrine have been protesting against the demolition, claiming that it will lead to the loss of a sacred place and the displacement of many people who rely on the shrine for spiritual guidance.

Protest: The protesters, who were mainly residents of the area and devotees of the shrine, marched through the streets of Lagos, carrying placards and chanting slogans against the demolition. They also blocked major roads in the area, causing traffic congestion and disrupting business activities.

Government Response: The Lagos State Government has maintained that the demolition is necessary to maintain law and order in the area and to prevent the shrine from becoming a nuisance to the community. However, the protesters have accused the government of being insensitive to their concerns and of not providing alternative solutions to the problem.

Outcome: The protest has led to a stalemate, with both sides refusing to back down. The Lagos State Government has promised to engage with the protesters and find a solution to the problem, but the protesters have vowed to continue their protest until their demands are met.

Reactions: The news has sparked a lot of reactions on social media, with many Nigerians expressing their support for the protesters and calling on the government to find a peaceful solution to the problem. Others have criticized the protesters, saying that the shrine is a nuisance and that its demolition is necessary to maintain law and order in the area.

Overall, the controversy surrounding the Baddo Shrine in Lagos highlights the complex issues surrounding spirituality and governance in Nigeria, and the need for a peaceful and inclusive solution to the problem.