Latest news on inec chairman

You're referring to the Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) in Nigeria!

As of my knowledge cutoff, the current Chairman of INEC is Professor Mahmood Yakubu. Here are some recent news updates about him:

  1. Reappointment: In July 2020, Professor Yakubu was reappointed as the Chairman of INEC by President Muhammadu Buhari for another five-year term.
  2. Conduct of 2023 Elections: Professor Yakubu has been working towards ensuring a successful conduct of the 2023 general elections in Nigeria. He has been meeting with stakeholders, including political parties, to discuss the electoral process.
  3. Voter Registration: INEC, under Professor Yakubu's leadership, has been conducting a nationwide Continuous Voter Registration (CVR) exercise to update the voters' register. The exercise began in June 2021 and is expected to end in June 2022.
  4. Election Security: Professor Yakubu has been emphasizing the importance of election security, particularly in the face of growing concerns about violence and intimidation during elections. He has been working with security agencies to ensure a peaceful electoral process.
  5. Technology and Elections: INEC has been exploring the use of technology to improve the electoral process. Professor Yakubu has been advocating for the adoption of electronic voting and other digital solutions to enhance the transparency and efficiency of elections.

These are just a few recent updates about Professor Mahmood Yakubu, the Chairman of INEC in Nigeria. If you're looking for more specific or up-to-date information, I recommend checking reputable news sources or the official INEC website.