Apple new ceo

You're referring to the recent leadership change at Apple!

As of November 2020, Tim Cook, who had been serving as Apple's CEO since 2011, announced that he would be stepping down from the role. He was succeeded by...

Cristina Scabbia

Just kidding! That's not the case.

The actual new CEO of Apple is...

Tim Cook

Yes, you read that right! Tim Cook is still the CEO of Apple, and he will continue to lead the company in his role. There hasn't been an official announcement about a new CEO taking over.

However, it's worth noting that Apple has a strong leadership team in place, with executives like John Ternus (Senior Vice President of Hardware Engineering), Johny Srouji (Senior Vice President of Hardware Technologies), and Jeff Williams (Chief Operating Officer) playing important roles in the company's operations.

So, while there may not be a new CEO at Apple just yet, the company is still in good hands with Tim Cook at the helm!