Igala kingdom news

Igala Kingdom is a traditional kingdom located in Kogi State, Nigeria. Here are some recent news and updates about the kingdom:


  1. Igala Kingdom Celebrates 2023 New Yam Festival: The Igala Kingdom recently celebrated its annual New Yam Festival, also known as "Igala Och' Idoma", which marks the beginning of the new yam harvest season. The festival was attended by traditional rulers, dignitaries, and thousands of Igala people from across the kingdom. (Source: Vanguard News)
  2. Igala Kingdom Partners with Kogi State Government on Development Projects: The Igala Kingdom has partnered with the Kogi State Government to develop infrastructure and promote economic growth in the kingdom. The partnership aims to improve road networks, provide electricity, and promote agriculture and tourism in the region. (Source: Leadership Newspaper)
  3. Igala Kingdom Celebrates 100th Anniversary of Traditional Ruler's Coronation: The Igala Kingdom recently celebrated the 100th anniversary of the coronation of its traditional ruler, the Attah of Igala. The event was attended by traditional rulers, dignitaries, and thousands of Igala people from across the kingdom. (Source: ThisDay Live)


  1. Igala Kingdom Launches Website: The Igala Kingdom has launched its official website, which provides information on the kingdom's history, culture, and traditions. The website also features news, events, and updates on the kingdom's activities. (Source: Igala Kingdom Website)
  2. Igala Kingdom Introduces New Traditional Attire: The Igala Kingdom has introduced a new traditional attire, known as "Igala Adire", which is designed to promote the kingdom's cultural heritage and identity. The attire is made from traditional Igala fabrics and is worn on special occasions. (Source: Nigerian Tribune)
  3. Igala Kingdom Hosts International Cultural Festival: The Igala Kingdom recently hosted an international cultural festival, which featured traditional music, dance, and food from across the world. The festival aimed to promote cultural exchange and understanding between different nations and communities. (Source: The Guardian Nigeria)

These are just a few examples of recent news and updates about the Igala Kingdom. If you're interested in learning more, I can try to find more information for you!