Governor el rufais bodybag gaffe

You're referring to the infamous "body bag" comment made by Governor Nasir el-Rufai of Kaduna State, Nigeria.

In 2015, during a campaign rally for the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Kaduna State, Governor el-Rufai made a controversial statement, saying that anyone who voted for the opposition party, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), would be "sent to hell in a body bag".

The comment was widely criticized by many Nigerians, who saw it as a threat to the lives of opposition supporters. Many interpreted the statement as a call to violence and intimidation, and it was seen as a reflection of the APC's alleged willingness to use force to win elections.

The comment sparked widespread outrage, with many calling for el-Rufai's resignation or prosecution. The PDP and other opposition parties condemned the statement, and it was seen as a major gaffe that damaged el-Rufai's reputation and that of the APC.

In the aftermath of the comment, el-Rufai attempted to clarify his statement, saying that he was only trying to emphasize the importance of voting for the APC. However, the damage had already been done, and the comment remains one of the most infamous in Nigerian political history.

It's worth noting that el-Rufai has been known for his controversial statements and actions over the years, and this comment was just one of many that have sparked outrage and criticism. Despite this, he remains a prominent figure in Nigerian politics and has continued to play a significant role in the country's political landscape.