Albany knickerbocker news

The Albany Knickerbocker News was a daily newspaper published in Albany, New York, from 1922 to 1978. Here are some key facts about the newspaper:

History: The Albany Knickerbocker News was founded in 1922 by the Knickerbocker Press, a company that also published several other newspapers in the United States. The newspaper was named after the Knickerbocker family, who were prominent in Albany's history.

Content: The Albany Knickerbocker News was a general-interest newspaper that covered local, state, and national news, as well as sports, entertainment, and lifestyle features. It was known for its in-depth coverage of state government and politics, as well as its investigative reporting.

Circulation: At its peak in the 1950s and 1960s, the Albany Knickerbocker News had a circulation of around 50,000. It was one of the largest newspapers in the Capital District, a region that includes Albany, Schenectady, and Troy.

Merger: In 1978, the Albany Knickerbocker News merged with the Albany Times Union, another prominent newspaper in the region. The merged newspaper was also called the Times Union, and it continues to be published today.

Legacy: The Albany Knickerbocker News played an important role in the history of journalism in Albany and the Capital District. It was known for its investigative reporting and its coverage of state government and politics. Many notable journalists got their start at the newspaper, including Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter and editor, James O'Donnell.

Archives: The Albany Knickerbocker News archives are housed at the New York State Library in Albany. The archives include issues of the newspaper from 1922 to 1978, as well as other materials related to the newspaper's history.