Venom shishiliza love is pain zamusic

It seems like you're a fan of Zamusic and you're looking for some information about Venom, Shishiliza, and Love is Pain.

Venom is a popular South African musician known for his unique sound and energetic performances. He has released several hit singles and albums, and has collaborated with other notable artists in the industry.

Shishiliza is a South African singer and songwriter who has gained popularity for her soulful voice and heartfelt lyrics. She has released several singles and has collaborated with other artists in the music industry.

Love is Pain is a song by Venom that features Shishiliza. The song was released in 2020 and has gained a lot of attention and popularity since then. The song is a romantic ballad that speaks about the pain and struggles of love.

If you're looking for more information about Venom, Shishiliza, or Love is Pain, I can suggest some online platforms where you can find their music and updates. You can also check out their social media profiles to stay updated on their latest projects and performances.

Here are some online platforms where you can find their music:

I hope this information helps!