Npower today news

Here are the latest news updates on npower, a UK-based energy supplier:

Latest News

  1. npower to cut gas and electricity prices: npower has announced a price cut for its gas and electricity tariffs, effective from 1st April 2023. The move is expected to benefit around 1.5 million customers. [Source: npower website]
  2. npower launches new smart meter installation program: npower has launched a new program to install smart meters for its customers, aiming to improve energy efficiency and reduce energy waste. [Source: Energy Live News]
  3. npower partners with energy storage company: npower has partnered with energy storage company, Sonnen, to offer customers a new energy storage solution. The partnership aims to help customers reduce their energy bills and carbon footprint. [Source: npower website]

Recent News

  1. npower fined £26.5 million for mis-selling: npower was fined £26.5 million by Ofgem for mis-selling energy contracts to vulnerable customers. The fine was imposed after an investigation found that npower had failed to properly assess the needs of its customers. [Source: BBC News]
  2. npower to close call centre: npower announced plans to close its call centre in Plymouth, affecting around 150 jobs. The company cited changes in customer behavior and the need to reduce costs. [Source: Plymouth Herald]
  3. npower launches new energy tariff: npower launched a new energy tariff, "npower Better Deal", which promises to save customers up to £300 per year on their energy bills. [Source: npower website]

Please note that news articles and updates may change over time, and it's always a good idea to check the npower website or other reputable sources for the latest information.