Alan cumming new tv show

Alan Cumming is indeed starring in a new TV show! He's set to appear in the upcoming Apple TV+ series "This Is Life" alongside actress and writer, Phoebe Robinson.

The show is a comedy-drama that follows the lives of two friends, played by Cumming and Robinson, who are trying to navigate their 40s and figure out what they want to do with their lives. The series is created by Robinson and will explore themes of identity, relationships, and finding one's purpose.

Cumming is no stranger to TV, having appeared in shows like "The Good Wife" and "Instinct". He's also had a successful stage career, winning a Tony Award for his performance in "Cabaret".

"This Is Life" is set to premiere on Apple TV+ later this year, with an exact release date yet to be announced. Are you excited to see Alan Cumming in this new role?