You are hypocrites sheikh gumi blasts northern leaders

It seems like Sheikh Gumi, a prominent Islamic scholar in Nigeria, has made some bold statements. According to reports, he has accused northern leaders of being hypocrites. Here's a summary of what he said:

Sheikh Gumi, who is known for his outspoken views on various issues, has criticized northern leaders for their perceived hypocrisy. He claimed that they often speak about the importance of Islam and the need for Muslims to follow its teachings, but fail to practice what they preach.

In his words, "Northern leaders are hypocrites. They claim to be Muslims, but they don't practice what they preach. They are more interested in accumulating wealth and power than in serving the people."

Sheikh Gumi also accused northern leaders of being corrupt and of using their positions to enrich themselves at the expense of the people. He claimed that they have failed to provide basic amenities and services to the people, and that they are more concerned with their own interests than with the welfare of the people.

It's worth noting that Sheikh Gumi's comments have sparked a lot of debate and controversy in Nigeria. Some people have praised him for speaking truth to power and for holding northern leaders accountable for their actions. Others have criticized him for being too harsh and for not providing any solutions to the problems he has identified.

Regardless of one's opinion on the matter, it's clear that Sheikh Gumi's comments have sparked a lot of discussion and debate in Nigeria.