Literary agents for new writers

Congratulations on considering seeking representation from a literary agent! Here are some tips and a list of literary agents who are open to submissions from new writers:

Tips for finding a literary agent:

  1. Research, research, research: Look for agents who represent your genre and have a track record of sales in your area of writing.
  2. Check agent directories: Websites like Publishers Marketplace, Writers Digest, and AgentQuery provide lists of agents and their contact information.
  3. Attend writing conferences: Conferences like the Writers Digest Annual Conference, the Romance Writers of America Conference, and the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America Conference offer opportunities to meet agents and pitch your work.
  4. Follow submission guidelines: Each agent has their own submission guidelines, so make sure to follow them carefully.
  5. Be prepared: Make sure your manuscript is polished and edited, and have a strong query letter and synopsis ready.

List of literary agents open to submissions from new writers:

Fiction Agents:

  1. Andrea Brown Literary Agency: Represents children's and young adult fiction, as well as adult fiction.
  2. Book Cents Literary Agency: Represents adult fiction, including romance, mystery, and science fiction.
  3. The Knight Agency: Represents adult fiction, including romance, mystery, and thriller.
  4. The Liza Dawson Associates: Represents adult fiction, including literary fiction, mystery, and thriller.
  5. The Pippin Properties: Represents adult fiction, including science fiction, fantasy, and horror.

Non-Fiction Agents:

  1. The Anderson Literary Agency: Represents non-fiction, including memoir, self-help, and science.
  2. The Dunow, Steinberg & Lerner Literary Agency: Represents non-fiction, including memoir, history, and science.
  3. The Gernert Company: Represents non-fiction, including memoir, science, and history.
  4. The ICM Partners: Represents non-fiction, including memoir, self-help, and science.
  5. The Levine Greenberg Rostan Literary Agency: Represents non-fiction, including memoir, self-help, and science.

Young Adult and Children's Agents:

  1. The Andrea Brown Literary Agency: Represents children's and young adult fiction.
  2. The Curtis Brown Ltd: Represents children's and young adult fiction.
  3. The Deborah Harris Agency: Represents children's and young adult fiction.
  4. The Erin Murphy Literary Agency: Represents children's and young adult fiction.
  5. The Writers House: Represents children's and young adult fiction.


Good luck in your search for a literary agent!