Zimbabwe news videos

Here are some recent news videos from Zimbabwe:

Latest News

  1. Zimbabwe's economy in crisis (BBC News, March 2023)
    • A report on the economic crisis in Zimbabwe, including high inflation, shortages of basic goods, and a struggling currency.
  2. Zimbabwe's opposition leader arrested (Al Jazeera, February 2023)
    • A report on the arrest of Zimbabwe's main opposition leader, Nelson Chamisa, on charges of inciting violence.
  3. Zimbabwe's government introduces new currency (Reuters, January 2023)
    • A report on the introduction of a new currency, the RTGS dollar, to replace the US dollar and other foreign currencies.


  1. Zimbabwe's President Emmerson Mnangagwa addresses the nation (ZBC News, January 2023)
    • A video of President Mnangagwa addressing the nation on the state of the economy and the government's plans to address the crisis.
  2. Zimbabwe's opposition parties hold talks (New Zimbabwe, December 2022)
    • A report on talks between Zimbabwe's opposition parties to form a united front against the ruling ZANU-PF party.
  3. Zimbabwe's government cracks down on protests (DW News, November 2022)
    • A report on the government's response to protests in Zimbabwe, including the use of force and arrests.


  1. Zimbabwe's economy in free fall (CNBC Africa, October 2022)
    • A report on the state of Zimbabwe's economy, including high inflation, shortages of basic goods, and a struggling currency.
  2. Zimbabwe's farmers struggle to access inputs (Farmers Weekly, September 2022)
    • A report on the challenges faced by Zimbabwe's farmers, including a lack of access to inputs such as seeds, fertilizers, and equipment.
  3. Zimbabwe's mining industry in crisis (Mining Weekly, August 2022)
    • A report on the challenges facing Zimbabwe's mining industry, including a lack of investment, corruption, and environmental concerns.


  1. Zimbabwe's healthcare system in crisis (The Guardian, July 2022)
    • A report on the state of Zimbabwe's healthcare system, including a lack of resources, staff shortages, and a high burden of disease.
  2. Zimbabwe's cholera outbreak (WHO, June 2022)
    • A report on the cholera outbreak in Zimbabwe, including the number of cases, deaths, and the government's response.
  3. Zimbabwe's HIV/AIDS epidemic (UNAIDS, May 2022)
    • A report on the state of Zimbabwe's HIV/AIDS epidemic, including the number of people living with the virus, treatment rates, and prevention efforts.


  1. Zimbabwe's wildlife conservation efforts (BBC Earth, April 2022)
    • A report on Zimbabwe's efforts to conserve its wildlife, including the protection of endangered species and the management of national parks.
  2. Zimbabwe's tourism industry (Travel News, March 2022)
    • A report on Zimbabwe's tourism industry, including the country's natural attractions, cultural heritage, and efforts to promote tourism.
  3. Zimbabwe's sports news (ZBC News, February 2022)
    • A report on sports news from Zimbabwe, including updates on cricket, football, and other sports.

Please note that these videos are subject to change and may not be available at all times.