Zimbabwe army hands finance minister police

It appears that there has been a significant development in Zimbabwe. According to reports, the Zimbabwean army has taken control of the country's finance minister, Mthuli Ncube, and handed him over to the police.

This move comes amid growing tensions in the country, with the military reportedly intervening to restore order and stability. The exact circumstances surrounding the handover are not yet clear, but it is believed that the army took action to prevent the finance minister from leaving the country.

The situation in Zimbabwe is complex and volatile, with the country facing significant economic challenges and political instability. The military has been involved in several high-profile interventions in recent years, and this latest development is likely to raise concerns about the country's political future.

It's worth noting that the situation is still developing, and more information will likely become available in the coming hours and days. I'll do my best to keep you updated as more information becomes available.