Zambia business news

Here are some recent business news articles from Zambia:

  1. Zambia's economy grows by 4.3% in 2022: The Zambian economy grew by 4.3% in 2022, driven by a recovery in the mining sector and a rebound in agriculture, according to the Central Statistical Office (CSO). (Source: Lusaka Times)
  2. Government to privatize state-owned enterprises: The Zambian government has announced plans to privatize several state-owned enterprises, including Zambia Airways, Zambia Railways, and Zambia Railways Limited, to improve efficiency and reduce debt. (Source: Zambia Daily Mail)
  3. Zambia's copper production increases: Zambia's copper production increased by 12.1% in 2022, driven by higher production at Kansanshi and Sentinel mines, according to the Chamber of Mines. (Source: Mining Weekly)
  4. New airline to launch in Zambia: A new airline, called Proflight Zambia, is set to launch operations in Zambia, offering flights to several destinations in Africa. (Source: Zambia Daily Mail)
  5. Zambia's inflation rate rises: Zambia's inflation rate rose to 24.6% in January 2023, driven by higher food and fuel prices, according to the Bank of Zambia. (Source: Lusaka Times)
  6. Government to introduce new tax regime: The Zambian government is set to introduce a new tax regime, which will include a value-added tax (VAT) and a minimum tax, to increase revenue and reduce debt. (Source: Zambia Daily Mail)
  7. Zambia's tourism industry grows: Zambia's tourism industry grew by 15% in 2022, driven by an increase in visitors from Europe and Asia, according to the Zambia Tourism Agency. (Source: Lusaka Times)
  8. New solar power plant to be built in Zambia: A new solar power plant is set to be built in Zambia, which will have a capacity of 50 megawatts and will help reduce the country's reliance on hydroelectric power. (Source: Zambia Daily Mail)
  9. Zambia's construction industry grows: Zambia's construction industry grew by 10% in 2022, driven by an increase in infrastructure development projects, according to the Zambia Institute of Construction. (Source: Lusaka Times)
  10. Government to launch new agricultural policy: The Zambian government is set to launch a new agricultural policy, which will aim to increase agricultural production and reduce poverty in rural areas. (Source: Zambia Daily Mail)

These are just a few examples of recent business news articles from Zambia.