Yellow cab new york

The iconic Yellow Cab of New York City!

The Yellow Cab is a symbol of New York City's taxi industry, and it's hard to imagine the city without them. Here are some interesting facts about the Yellow Cab:

  1. History: The first Yellow Cab was introduced in 1912 by John Hertz, who founded the Hertz Drive-Ur-Self System. The cabs were originally yellow because the paint was cheaper than other colors.
  2. Medallion system: In 1937, the city introduced a medallion system, where taxi owners had to purchase a medallion to operate a taxi. This system limited the number of taxis on the streets and helped regulate the industry.
  3. Yellow paint: The iconic yellow color of the cabs was officially adopted in 1971. The paint is a specific shade of yellow, known as "New York City Taxi Yellow."
  4. Fleet size: At its peak in the 1940s, there were over 30,000 Yellow Cabs on the streets of New York City. Today, there are around 13,000 medallion-holding taxis.
  5. Famous Yellow Cabs: Many famous people have hailed Yellow Cabs, including celebrities like Marilyn Monroe, Frank Sinatra, and Woody Allen.
  6. In popular culture: The Yellow Cab has appeared in numerous films, TV shows, and music videos, including "Taxi Driver," "The Godfather," and "Saturday Night Fever."
  7. Modernization: In recent years, the Yellow Cab fleet has been modernized with hybrid and electric vehicles, as well as technology upgrades like GPS and mobile payment systems.
  8. Iconic status: The Yellow Cab is an iconic symbol of New York City, and its image is often used in advertising, art, and design.

Whether you're a native New Yorker or just visiting the city, hailing a Yellow Cab is a quintessential experience that's sure to leave a lasting impression!