How to make 1000 or more reading news online

Here are some tips to help you increase your online reading habits and reach a goal of 1000 or more articles:

  1. Set a specific goal: Decide on a specific goal, such as reading 1000 articles in a month or 5000 articles in a year. Having a clear goal in mind will help you stay motivated.
  2. Choose a variety of topics: Don't limit yourself to a single topic or genre. Explore different topics, such as news, science, technology, history, and culture, to keep your reading interesting and engaging.
  3. Use online news aggregators: Websites like Alltop, News360, and Apple News aggregate news from various sources, making it easy to discover new articles and topics.
  4. Follow news websites and blogs: Subscribe to your favorite news websites and blogs to receive updates on new articles and topics.
  5. Use social media: Follow news organizations, journalists, and influencers on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn to stay up-to-date on the latest news and trends.
  6. Read articles from different sources: Expose yourself to different perspectives and viewpoints by reading articles from various sources, including mainstream media, alternative media, and international news outlets.
  7. Use a news reader app: Apps like Feedly, Flipboard, and Pocket allow you to customize your news feed and read articles offline.
  8. Take breaks and prioritize: Don't try to read too much at once. Take breaks and prioritize your reading based on importance and interest.
  9. Use speed reading techniques: Practice speed reading techniques, such as skimming, scanning, and summarizing, to increase your reading efficiency.
  10. Make it a habit: Incorporate reading into your daily routine, such as during your daily commute, lunch break, or before bed.

Some popular online news sources to get you started:

  1. The New York Times
  2. The Wall Street Journal
  3. The Guardian
  4. The Washington Post
  5. BBC News
  6. Al Jazeera
  7. The Economist
  8. The Atlantic
  9. The Verge
  10. Wired

Some popular online news aggregators:

  1. Alltop
  2. News360
  3. Apple News
  4. Google News
  5. Bing News

Some popular news reader apps:

  1. Feedly
  2. Flipboard
  3. Pocket
  4. Apple News
  5. Google News & Weather

Remember, the key to reaching your goal is to stay consistent and make reading a habit. Happy reading!