Www jw org new songs

You're looking for new songs from Jehovah's Witnesses!

The official website of Jehovah's Witnesses, jw.org, regularly updates its music section with new songs, hymns, and arrangements. Here are some ways to access the latest songs:

  1. JW Music: Visit the JW Music section on jw.org. You can browse by language, song title, or category (e.g., "New Songs").
  2. Songbook: The official songbook of Jehovah's Witnesses is "Sing Out Joyfully to Jehovah" (published in 2015). You can access the digital version on jw.org or purchase a physical copy.
  3. Music Videos: The JW Music section also features music videos, including new songs and arrangements. You can search for specific songs or browse by category.
  4. YouTube: The official Jehovah's Witnesses YouTube channel (jw.org/yt) regularly uploads new music videos, including songs from the latest songbook.

Some recent new songs from Jehovah's Witnesses include:

Please note that the availability of new songs may vary depending on your location and the language you prefer.