Taraba state sunrise news

Here are some recent news updates from Taraba State, Nigeria:

Sunrise News from Taraba State

  1. Bandits Attack Taraba Village, Kill 10: Bandits have attacked a village in Taraba State, killing 10 people and injuring several others. The attack occurred in the early hours of the morning in the village of Kpanti, in the Kurmi Local Government Area of the state. (Source: Daily Trust)
  2. Taraba Govt. Commences Construction of 10,000-Bed Capacity Hospital: The Taraba State Government has commenced the construction of a 10,000-bed capacity hospital in Jalingo, the state capital. The hospital, which is expected to be completed in two years, will provide quality healthcare services to the people of the state. (Source: Leadership Newspaper)
  3. Flood Wreaks Havoc in Taraba Communities: Heavy flooding has affected several communities in Taraba State, displacing hundreds of people and destroying properties worth millions of naira. The flooding, which was caused by heavy rainfall, has also affected agricultural activities in the affected areas. (Source: Vanguard News)
  4. Taraba Police Arrest 15 Suspects Over Kidnapping: The Taraba State Police Command has arrested 15 suspects in connection with kidnapping and other criminal activities in the state. The suspects, who were arrested in various parts of the state, will be charged to court soon. (Source: The Nation Newspaper)
  5. Taraba Govt. to Establish 10 New Primary Schools: The Taraba State Government has announced plans to establish 10 new primary schools in the state. The schools, which will be built in various parts of the state, will provide quality education to children in the state. (Source: Daily Post)

These are just a few of the recent news updates from Taraba State. I hope this information is helpful.