Winners chapel news

Winners Chapel is a popular Christian ministry founded by Bishop David Oyedepo. Here are some recent news updates about Winners Chapel:

Recent Events

  1. Winners Chapel 40th Anniversary: Winners Chapel celebrated its 40th anniversary in September 2022, marking four decades of ministry and evangelism.
  2. International Conference: The ministry held its annual International Conference in December 2022, with Bishop Oyedepo delivering a powerful message on the theme "The Power of the Holy Spirit".
  3. Youth Conference: Winners Chapel organized a Youth Conference in October 2022, aimed at empowering young people to take their place in the kingdom of God.

Recent Achievements

  1. New Church Openings: Winners Chapel has opened new churches in various locations, including the United States, Canada, and Africa.
  2. Expansion of Facilities: The ministry has expanded its facilities, including the construction of new auditoriums, offices, and residential quarters for staff.
  3. Publication of New Books: Bishop Oyedepo has published new books, including "The Power of the Holy Spirit" and "The Authority of the Believer".

Recent Quotes from Bishop Oyedepo

  1. "The Holy Spirit is the greatest asset any believer can have. He is the one who gives us the power to live a victorious life."
  2. "The Bible says 'faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God'. So, if you want to have faith, you must hear the word of God."
  3. "The devil is a liar, and he will always try to deceive you. But the Bible says 'you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free'."

Recent Testimonies

  1. Miraculous Healing: A woman who was diagnosed with cancer was healed after attending a Winners Chapel service.
  2. Financial Breakthrough: A young man who was struggling financially received a financial breakthrough after attending a Winners Chapel conference.
  3. Redemption from Bondage: A woman who was trapped in a life of addiction was set free after attending a Winners Chapel service.

These are just a few of the many news updates and testimonies from Winners Chapel. The ministry continues to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ and empower believers around the world.