Trem devotional gods fullness overflows within you

What a beautiful and powerful phrase! Let's break it down and explore its meaning:

"Trem" is a verb that means to vibrate or quiver with emotion, often in response to something profound or awe-inspiring. In this context, it suggests that the speaker is experiencing a deep sense of reverence or wonder.

"Devotional" refers to a sense of devotion or dedication to a higher power, in this case, the gods. It implies a deep sense of connection and commitment to the divine.

"Gods" is a plural noun that can refer to a variety of deities or higher powers. In this context, it's likely referring to a pantheon of gods or a sense of the divine that is multifaceted and complex.

"Fullness" is an adjective that describes a state of being completely filled or overflowing with something. In this case, it suggests that the speaker is experiencing a sense of abundance or plenitude that is overflowing from within.

"Overflows" is a verb that means to flow or pour out beyond what is contained. In this context, it suggests that the speaker's sense of fullness is spilling over and cannot be contained.

"Within you" is a phrase that emphasizes the internal nature of this experience. It suggests that the speaker is not just experiencing this sense of fullness, but it is also a part of their very being.

So, when we put it all together, the phrase "trem devotional gods fullness overflows within you" can be interpreted as:

"As you tremble with devotion to the gods, you experience a sense of fullness that overflows from within, filling you to the brim and spilling over into the world around you."

This phrase is a beautiful expression of the human experience of connection to the divine. It suggests that when we are deeply devoted to something greater than ourselves, we can experience a sense of fullness and abundance that overflows from within, filling us with joy, peace, and a sense of purpose.