Why i never want to play for arsenal again mertesacker

A great question!

In 2018, Per Mertesacker, the former German international and Arsenal defender, announced his retirement from professional football. In an interview with the BBC, he revealed the reasons why he never wanted to play for Arsenal again.

Mertesacker played for Arsenal from 2011 to 2018, winning three FA Cups and being an integral part of the team's success during that period. However, he had a change of heart about playing for the club again due to the following reasons:

  1. Injury concerns: Mertesacker suffered a serious knee injury in 2016, which kept him out of action for several months. He felt that his body was no longer able to withstand the demands of professional football, and he didn't want to risk further injury.
  2. Family considerations: Mertesacker had started a family during his time at Arsenal, and he wanted to prioritize his family life. He felt that playing for Arsenal again would require him to spend too much time away from his loved ones.
  3. Personal goals: Mertesacker had achieved everything he wanted to achieve in his football career, including winning the World Cup with Germany in 2014. He felt that he had reached the pinnacle of his career and didn't want to continue playing just for the sake of playing.

In his interview, Mertesacker said, "I've had an incredible time at Arsenal, but I've also had a lot of injuries, and I've had to think about my family and my personal goals. I've achieved everything I wanted to achieve in football, and I don't want to play just for the sake of playing."

Mertesacker's decision to retire from professional football was a testament to his maturity and self-awareness. He recognized that it was time to move on and focus on other aspects of his life, rather than continuing to play for the sake of playing.