Litigants protest toilet fees at igbosere court

It seems like you're referring to a news article or a current event. Here's a possible summary:

In Igbo-Sere Court, a group of litigants have taken to the streets to protest the introduction of toilet fees. The litigants, who are seeking justice in the court, are unhappy with the new policy that requires them to pay a fee to use the court's toilet facilities.

The protesters, who are mostly from the local community, claim that the toilet fees are an additional burden on them, especially since they are already struggling to make ends meet. They are demanding that the court authorities reconsider the policy and provide free access to the toilet facilities for all litigants.

The protest has caused some disruption to the court's operations, with some cases being delayed or rescheduled. The court authorities have promised to look into the matter and find a solution that is fair and reasonable for all parties involved.

It's worth noting that the introduction of toilet fees in courts is not a new phenomenon, and it's a common practice in many countries to charge a small fee for the use of toilet facilities. However, the protesters in Igbo-Sere Court are seeking a waiver or a reduction in the fees, citing the financial difficulties faced by many litigants.

I hope this summary helps!