Who is the new president of cameroon

As of October 2022, the President of Cameroon is Paul Biya. He has been the President of Cameroon since November 6, 1982, making him one of the longest-serving heads of state in the world.

However, it's worth noting that there have been some recent developments in Cameroon's political landscape. In October 2020, the country held presidential elections, which were won by Paul Biya. However, the opposition candidate, Maurice Kamto, disputed the results and claimed that he had won the election.

Additionally, there have been ongoing protests and unrest in Cameroon, particularly in the English-speaking regions of the country, which have been seeking greater autonomy or independence from the French-speaking majority. The situation remains tense and volatile, with reports of human rights abuses and violence.

It's important to stay informed about the latest developments in Cameroon and to seek out credible sources of information to stay up-to-date on the situation.