Difference between feature and straight news

In journalism, there are two main types of news articles: feature stories and straight news stories. While both types of articles aim to inform readers, they differ in their approach, tone, and purpose.

Straight News (Hard News)

Straight news, also known as hard news, is a factual report that provides a straightforward account of a news event or issue. The primary goal is to inform readers about what happened, who was involved, and the consequences. Straight news stories typically:

  1. Focus on the facts: Straight news stories rely on verifiable evidence and quotes from credible sources.
  2. Are concise: Straight news stories are usually brief and to the point, without unnecessary details or opinions.
  3. Are objective: Straight news stories strive to be impartial and unbiased, presenting all sides of the story fairly.
  4. Are timely: Straight news stories are often published quickly, as they aim to report on current events.

Examples of straight news stories include:

Feature Story (Soft News)

Feature stories, on the other hand, are more in-depth and often focus on a specific aspect of a news event or issue. They aim to engage readers emotionally and provide a more nuanced understanding of the topic. Feature stories typically:

  1. Explore the human side: Feature stories often focus on the people involved, their experiences, and the human impact of the event or issue.
  2. Are more detailed: Feature stories may include more background information, context, and analysis than straight news stories.
  3. May include opinions: Feature stories may include the writer's perspective or opinions, as well as those of experts or individuals involved in the story.
  4. Are often more narrative-driven: Feature stories may use storytelling techniques, such as anecdotes and descriptive language, to make the story more engaging.

Examples of feature stories include:

In summary, straight news stories aim to provide a factual, concise, and objective account of a news event, while feature stories delve deeper into the human side of the story, often using more narrative techniques and exploring the emotional impact of the event.