What to preach for first sermon at new church

Congratulations on your new church! Choosing the right sermon for your first sermon is crucial to set the tone and establish a strong foundation for your ministry. Here are some suggestions for your first sermon:

  1. "Welcome to Our New Church": Use this opportunity to introduce yourself, your vision for the church, and the values you want to uphold. Share your excitement about starting this new chapter and express gratitude to the congregation for joining you on this journey.
  2. "The Power of Community": Emphasize the importance of community in the life of a Christian. Share stories of how God has used community to transform lives and highlight the role your church will play in building relationships and supporting one another.
  3. "The Gospel of Jesus Christ": Preach a clear and concise message about the good news of Jesus Christ. Share the story of salvation, the character of God, and the hope that Jesus offers to all people.
  4. "The Mission of the Church": Outline the mission and purpose of your church, highlighting your vision for outreach, discipleship, and worship. Encourage the congregation to join you in this mission and to be part of something bigger than themselves.
  5. "Overcoming Fear and Doubt": Many people may be feeling uncertain or anxious about starting a new church. Use this sermon to address these concerns, sharing biblical wisdom on how to overcome fear and doubt, and encouraging the congregation to trust in God's sovereignty and provision.
  6. "The Importance of Worship": Highlight the significance of worship in the life of a Christian and the role it plays in our relationship with God. Share your vision for worship at your church and encourage the congregation to prioritize worship as a vital part of their spiritual journey.
  7. "The Call to Discipleship": Encourage the congregation to respond to God's call to follow Jesus, emphasizing the importance of discipleship and spiritual growth. Share practical tips on how to deepen their relationship with God and become more like Christ.
  8. "The Hope of New Beginnings": Use this sermon to emphasize the hope and promise of new beginnings that Jesus offers. Share stories of people who have experienced transformation and renewal through their faith, and encourage the congregation to trust in God's ability to bring new life and purpose to their lives.

Remember to keep your sermon concise, clear, and engaging. Use stories, illustrations, and biblical examples to make your message relatable and applicable to the lives of your congregation. May God bless your first sermon and your new church!