What to expect with new dreadlocks

Congratulations on taking the leap to get dreadlocks! Here's what you can expect during the initial stages:

Initial Locking Phase (0-6 months)

  1. Initial tangling: Your hair will tangle and knot easily, especially during the first few weeks. This is normal and will gradually decrease as your locks mature.
  2. Hair shedding: You may experience some hair shedding, which is a natural process as your hair adjusts to the new texture and tension.
  3. Itchiness: Your scalp may feel itchy or irritated due to the new texture and the buildup of natural oils.
  4. Dread formation: Your hair will start to form knots and tangles, which will eventually become the foundation of your dreadlocks.

Growth and Maturation (6-12 months)

  1. Locks will start to form: As your hair grows, your locks will start to take shape, and you'll notice the formation of individual dreadlocks.
  2. Tension and manipulation: You'll need to regularly twist, tug, and manipulate your locks to encourage maturation and prevent tangling.
  3. Scalp irritation: You may experience some scalp irritation, itchiness, or redness due to the constant manipulation and tension.
  4. Hair growth: Your hair will continue to grow, and you'll need to trim and maintain your locks regularly to prevent overgrowth.

Maintenance and Care (after 12 months)

  1. Regular maintenance: You'll need to regularly wash, condition, and moisturize your locks to keep them healthy and prevent tangling.
  2. Trimming and shaping: You'll need to trim and shape your locks regularly to maintain their appearance and prevent overgrowth.
  3. Dread maintenance: You'll need to regularly twist, tug, and manipulate your locks to maintain their shape and prevent tangling.
  4. Scalp care: You'll need to take good care of your scalp by washing it regularly, using a gentle shampoo, and applying a scalp serum or oil.

Tips and Reminders

  1. Be patient: Dreadlocks take time to form and mature. Be patient and don't get discouraged if your locks don't look like you want them to right away.
  2. Keep your locks clean: Regularly wash and condition your locks to prevent dirt and oil buildup.
  3. Use the right products: Use gentle, sulfate-free shampoos and conditioners specifically designed for dreadlocks.
  4. Get regular trims: Regular trims will help maintain the health and appearance of your locks.
  5. Be gentle: Be gentle when handling your locks, as rough handling can cause breakage and tangling.

Remember, every person's dreadlocking journey is unique, and it's essential to be patient, gentle, and consistent with your maintenance routine. Good luck, and enjoy your new dreadlocks!