New mark angel comedy

Mark Angel Comedy is a popular Nigerian comedy group known for their hilarious skits and parodies. Here are some of their latest and most popular videos:

Latest Videos:

  1. "The Proposal" - A hilarious skit about a man trying to propose to his girlfriend, but everything that can go wrong does.
  2. "The Interview" - A funny skit about a job interview that takes an unexpected turn.
  3. "The School Fees" - A relatable skit about the struggles of paying school fees in Nigeria.

Popular Videos:

  1. "The Slay Queen" - A skit about a young woman who thinks she's a "slay queen" but ends up getting embarrassed.
  2. "The Fake Pastor" - A funny skit about a fake pastor who tries to scam people out of their money.
  3. "The University Student" - A relatable skit about the struggles of being a university student in Nigeria.

Mark Angel Comedy Series:

  1. "Emanuella" - A popular series featuring a young girl named Emanuella who always seems to find herself in humorous situations.
  2. "Smark" - A series about a young man named Smark who always seems to get himself into trouble.
  3. "The Adventures of Mark Angel" - A series featuring Mark Angel himself, who goes on various adventures and gets into humorous situations.

You can find all of these videos and more on Mark Angel Comedy's YouTube channel, which has over 10 million subscribers!