What is the latest news about npower

Npower is a British energy company that was acquired by E.ON in 2019. As a result, Npower is no longer an independent company and its operations are now integrated with E.ON's. Here are some recent news updates about Npower:

  1. Integration with E.ON: In 2020, Npower's operations were fully integrated with E.ON's, creating a single energy company with over 12 million customers. The integration aimed to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance customer service.
  2. Job losses: As part of the integration, Npower announced plans to cut around 4,500 jobs, which was completed in 2020. The job losses were mainly due to the elimination of duplicate roles and the streamlining of operations.
  3. Price changes: In 2020, Npower increased its electricity and gas prices for domestic customers, citing rising wholesale energy costs and other market factors. The price changes affected around 3.5 million customers.
  4. Customer service improvements: E.ON has invested in improving Npower's customer service, including the introduction of a new customer service platform and the recruitment of additional customer service staff.
  5. Renewable energy investments: E.ON has committed to investing in renewable energy projects, including wind farms and solar parks, to reduce its carbon footprint and meet customer demand for cleaner energy.
  6. Smart meter rollout: Npower has continued to roll out smart meters to its customers, which allow for real-time monitoring of energy usage and help customers manage their energy consumption more effectively.
  7. Brexit preparations: As a result of the UK's departure from the EU, Npower has been preparing for changes to energy market regulations and has been working to ensure a smooth transition for its customers.

Please note that these updates are based on publicly available information and may not reflect the company's current situation or future plans. If you're a Npower customer, it's always best to check with the company directly for the latest information on your account and services.