Army dismissed killings in southern kaduna #

The Nigerian Army has been accused of being involved in the killing of innocent civilians in Southern Kaduna, a region in Kaduna State, Nigeria. The allegations have been made by various sources, including human rights groups and local residents.

In 2016, there were reports of clashes between the Nigerian Army and Fulani herdsmen in Southern Kaduna, which resulted in the deaths of hundreds of people. The army was accused of using excessive force and committing human rights abuses during the clashes.

In 2018, the Nigerian Army was accused of killing 11 people in a village in Southern Kaduna. The army claimed that the victims were members of a militia group, but local residents disputed this claim and said that the victims were innocent civilians.

In 2020, there were reports of renewed violence in Southern Kaduna, with the Nigerian Army being accused of killing several people. The army claimed that it was responding to attacks by Fulani herdsmen, but local residents said that the army was using excessive force and committing human rights abuses.

The Nigerian Army has denied any involvement in the killings in Southern Kaduna, but the allegations have been widely reported and have sparked widespread outrage and calls for justice.

The killings in Southern Kaduna are part of a larger crisis in Nigeria, where there have been numerous reports of violence and human rights abuses in recent years. The crisis has been fueled by a combination of factors, including political and economic instability, religious and ethnic tensions, and competition for resources.

The Nigerian government has been criticized for its handling of the crisis, with many calling for greater efforts to address the root causes of the violence and to hold those responsible accountable.