What is a news peg

A news peg is a hook or a timely event that allows a journalist or a news organization to tie a story to a current event, trend, or anniversary, making it more relevant and newsworthy to audiences. In other words, a news peg is a way to make a story more timely and attention-grabbing by connecting it to something that is happening or has recently happened.

News pegs can be:

  1. Anniversaries: A significant event or anniversary that occurred in the past, such as a natural disaster, a historical event, or a notable birthday.
  2. Current events: A breaking news story, a developing crisis, or a trending topic that is currently dominating the headlines.
  3. Holidays: A holiday or observance that provides a natural tie-in for a story, such as a story about a holiday tradition or a way to celebrate the holiday.
  4. Seasonal events: A seasonal event or change, such as the start of a new school year, the beginning of a new sports season, or the onset of a new weather pattern.
  5. Trends: A popular trend or movement that is currently gaining attention, such as a new technology, a social media phenomenon, or a cultural shift.
  6. Milestones: A significant milestone or achievement, such as a company's anniversary, a person's birthday, or a notable achievement.

The purpose of a news peg is to make a story more relevant and engaging to audiences by tying it to something that is currently happening or has recently happened. By using a news peg, journalists can:

  1. Make a story more timely and newsworthy
  2. Increase the story's relevance and appeal to audiences
  3. Provide a hook to grab readers' attention
  4. Create a sense of urgency or importance around the story
  5. Help to frame the story in a way that is more relatable and understandable to audiences

For example, if a news organization is reporting on a new study about the benefits of exercise, a news peg could be the upcoming New Year's resolution season, when many people are making fitness goals for themselves. By tying the story to this timely event, the news organization can make the story more relevant and appealing to audiences who are likely to be thinking about their fitness goals during this time.