Bbc news nigerian pastors

Here are some recent news articles from BBC News about Nigerian pastors:

  1. "Nigeria's 'prosperity gospel' pastors under scrutiny" (February 2020)

The article discusses the growing criticism of Nigerian pastors who promote a "prosperity gospel" that emphasizes material wealth and success as a sign of God's favor. Critics argue that this message is misleading and can lead to financial exploitation of vulnerable followers.

  1. "Nigerian pastor arrested over alleged fraud" (January 2020)

A Nigerian pastor was arrested and charged with fraud after allegedly using his church as a front to defraud thousands of followers of millions of naira.

  1. "Nigeria's 'megachurch' pastor faces corruption allegations" (December 2019)

The article reports on allegations of corruption against a popular Nigerian pastor who owns a large megachurch. The allegations include embezzlement of church funds and misuse of donations.

  1. "Nigerian pastor's 'miracle' healing claims investigated" (November 2019)

An investigation was launched into the claims of a Nigerian pastor who allegedly healed hundreds of people of various ailments, including cancer and HIV/AIDS. Critics questioned the authenticity of the healings and accused the pastor of using fake miracles to attract followers.

  1. "Nigeria's 'prosperity gospel' pastors face backlash" (October 2019)

The article discusses the growing backlash against Nigerian pastors who promote a "prosperity gospel" that emphasizes material wealth and success. Critics argue that this message is misleading and can lead to financial exploitation of vulnerable followers.

  1. "Nigerian pastor's 'miracle' baby claim sparks controversy" (September 2019)

A Nigerian pastor claimed that a baby was born with a "miracle" after its mother prayed to God for a child. However, critics questioned the authenticity of the claim and accused the pastor of using fake miracles to attract followers.

  1. "Nigeria's 'megachurch' pastor accused of embezzlement" (August 2019)

A popular Nigerian pastor was accused of embezzling millions of naira from his megachurch. The allegations included misusing church funds and donations for personal gain.

  1. "Nigerian pastor's 'prosperity gospel' message sparks controversy" (July 2019)

The article discusses the controversy surrounding a Nigerian pastor who promotes a "prosperity gospel" that emphasizes material wealth and success. Critics argue that this message is misleading and can lead to financial exploitation of vulnerable followers.

  1. "Nigeria's 'miracle' pastor faces investigation" (June 2019)

An investigation was launched into the claims of a Nigerian pastor who allegedly performed miracles, including healing the sick and raising the dead. Critics questioned the authenticity of the miracles and accused the pastor of using fake miracles to attract followers.

  1. "Nigerian pastor's 'miracle' claim sparks controversy" (May 2019)

A Nigerian pastor claimed that a woman was healed of a terminal illness after praying to God. However, critics questioned the authenticity of the claim and accused the pastor of using fake miracles to attract followers.

Please note that these articles are subject to change and may not be available online.