What i want in a young president ibb #comments

A blast from the past! IBB, also known as Ibrahim Babangida, was the Head of State of Nigeria from 1985 to 1993. Here are some qualities that people might have wanted to see in a young President IBB:

Integrity: A young President IBB would have been expected to be honest, transparent, and accountable in his dealings. Nigerians would have wanted a leader who was not corrupt and would not engage in nepotism or favoritism.

Visionary leadership: At a young age, IBB would have been expected to have a clear vision for the country's development, with a focus on education, healthcare, infrastructure, and economic growth.

Youthful energy and dynamism: A young President IBB would have brought a fresh perspective and a sense of urgency to address the country's problems. Nigerians would have hoped that his youthful energy would translate into innovative solutions to the country's challenges.

Strong communication skills: A young President IBB would have been expected to be able to communicate effectively with the Nigerian people, explaining his policies and vision in a clear and concise manner.

Ability to connect with the youth: As a young leader, IBB would have been expected to connect with the youth of Nigeria, understanding their concerns, aspirations, and frustrations. He would have been seen as a role model and a symbol of hope for the younger generation.

Willingness to listen and learn: A young President IBB would have been expected to be open to feedback and criticism, willing to listen to different perspectives and learn from his mistakes.

Ability to build consensus: A young President IBB would have been expected to be able to build coalitions and bring people together to achieve common goals, rather than relying on coercion or authoritarianism.

Commitment to democracy and human rights: A young President IBB would have been expected to be committed to the principles of democracy and human rights, ensuring that the rights of all Nigerians were protected and respected.

These are just some of the qualities that people might have wanted to see in a young President IBB. Of course, hindsight is 20/20, and we can only speculate on how things might have turned out if IBB had been a younger leader.